Seasonal Defense Wellness Box

Spring is here with sunshine, blue skies, green grass, new blooms, and fresh air. Don't let high pollen counts and itchy bug bites keep you from the outdoor activities you enjoy. Check out these tips on how to use the best oils to support seasonal and environmental allergies and outdoor fun.

Spring is here! Last night, my husband, son, and I took advantage of the beautiful weather and enjoyed a walk around the neighbourhood together. As our son practiced riding his new push scooter, my husband and I walked behind him, cheering him on and breathing in the fresh spring air. 

A few blocks later, our son decided he was done with the scooter and wanted to walk. I admired his carefree attitude as he stopped to pick up the occasional stick, pluck the largest dandelions (sunflowers, he calls them), and hop and skip wherever he desired, wide eyed and full of wonder. 

We walked past the neighbouring houses and through the park with it's large soccer field. Clumps of fresh cut grass sat in large piles on the field and I urged my family to move more quickly past this dangerous territory. To an allergy sufferer, these clumps of grass are a mine-field. 

Our walk continued down a tree-lined dirt path, surrounded by tall grasses and wild plants on either side. The path ended at our street and a few blocks later, we were home. 

It was then that I noticed the painful burning in my eyes, my stuffy nose, the slight wheeze in my breathing, and my sore throat

A few moments later, I scratched the outside of my elbow and noticed a raised, itchy bump where I had been bitten by an insect. 

Ahhh...the other side of spring. High pollen counts and itchy bug bites. 

There's an oil for that!

I popped 2 drops each of Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint into my diffuser and was breathing easier in 10-15 minutes. I also felt more calm, relaxed, and alert, thanks to the powerful calming and clarifying properties of these essential oils. 

A bit of lavender in some fractionated coconut oil applied to my irritated skin took away the itch and there was no sign of any irritation when I woke up this morning. 

Next time we venture outside, I will remember to spray on the Terrashield to protect us from any unwanted visitors on our skin. 

Spring / Summer Survival with the Seasonal Defense Wellness Box

Take a look at these great products to support you through all you have planned for Spring/Summer:

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is a must-have in any essential oil collection. Known as the Swiss Army Knife of essential oils, this versatile oil soothes and supports the nervous, digestive, respiratory, and musculo-skeletal systems. 

  • Combine with Lemon and Peppermint essential oils in a diffuser or personal inhaler to support your respiratory system when seasonal threats are high. 
  • Dilute in fractionated coconut oil or another carrier oil and apply topically to relieve skin irritations.
  • Apply with Peppermint oil in fractionated coconut oil or unscented body lotion to cool and soothe a sunburn. 

Bonus uses: 

doTERRA's Lavender essentail oil is Health Canada Approved* to be used in aromatherapy: 

  • As a nervine and calmative.
  • To help relieve headaches.
  • To help relieve muscle and joint aches and pains due to sprains, strains, and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • To help relieve colds and cough
  • For for coughs and colds.
  • As a carminative and antispasmodic for symptomatic relief of digestive discomfort.

Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon is another staple in any essential oil collection. It's cleansing, uplifting, and refreshing properties make it great for uplifting moods, cleansing surfaces, or using in your favourite recipes. 

  • Combine with Lavender and Peppermint essential oils in a diffuser or personal inhaler to support your respiratory system when seasonal threats are high. 
  • Add a few drops to summer beverages or desserts for a splash of flavour and fun. 

Bonus uses: 

  • Add to hand soap to remove dirt, grease, and grime after working on a car or bike.
  • Add a drop to a sink full of water and wash your produce to remove dirt, chemicals, and grime. 
  • Add to a spray bottle with vinegar and water to clean windows, counters, or other surfaces. 
  • Add a drop or two to a rag to help remove sticky residue.

doTERRA's Lemon essentail oil is Health Canada Approved* to be used in aromatherapy: 

  • To help relieve colds and cough

NOTE: Lemon oil is photosensitizing. Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours in areas you have applied the oil topically.  

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint oil is the first essential oil I ever used and I have not been without it in over 12 years! It is great for uplifting and invigorating moods and energy, freshening breath, and supporting the digestive and respiratory systems. 

  • Combine with Lavender and Lemon essential oils in a diffuser or personal inhaler to support your respiratory system when seasonal threats are high. 
  • Apply with Lavender oil in fractionated coconut oil or unscented body lotion to cool and soothe a sunburn. 
  • Apply to pulse points on a hot day to cool body temperature. 

Bonus uses: 

  • Add a drop to shampoo or conditioner for a stimulating experience. 
  • Add to a cotton ball and place in the garden to keep the bunnies away from your vegetables (note: animals will be repelled by the scent but will not be harmed in any way). 

doTERRA's Peppermint essential oil is Health Canada Approved* to be used in aromatherapy: 

  • As a nervine and calmative.
  • To help relieve headaches.
  • To help relieve muscle and joint aches and pains due to sprains, strains, and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • To help relieve colds and cough
  • For for coughs and colds.
  • As a carminative and antispasmodic for symptomatic relief of digestive discomfort.
  • Traditionally used in herbal medicine to help relieve nausea and vomiting. 

    Terrashield® Essential Oil

    Terrashield is a blend of Ylang Ylang, Cedarwood, Catnip, Lemon Eucalyptus, Litsea, Arborvitae, Nootka, and Vanilla Bean Absolute that creates an inviting aroma for use both indoors and outdoors. These oils, which are used by plants to provide a natural and effective barrier against environmental threats, can be used safely by members of the whole family to protect against outdoor annoyances. 

    • Apply TerraShield® to arms, legs, and neck before hiking, camping, or enjoying other outdoor activities. Safe for children and pets too!
    • Add to a spray bottle and spray around doors, windows, and tents to keep environmental annoyances away. 
    • Diffuse in the home during the summer months.
    • Diffuse TerraShield® at outdoor events to keep the bugs away. 

    Spring is here with sunshine, blue skies, green grass, new blooms, and fresh air. Don't let high pollen counts and itchy bug bites keep you from the outdoor activities you enjoy. Check out these tips on how to use the best oils to support seasonal and environmental allergies and outdoor fun.

    ORDERING TIP: Save money by adding the "Beginner's Trio" to your cart, then add a bottle of Terrashield. Ordering the trio collection will give you the same three great oils for a cheaper price compared to adding them to your cart individually.  

    Not part of doTERRA's Monthly Wellness Box Program yet? 

    Since joining the doTERRA Monthly Wellness Box Program in 2017, I have saved thousands of dollars and dozens of hours that we can invest into our family time instead. 

    👉 Click here to learn more the Monthly Wellness Box Program and how it can benefit you and your family! 

    Still have questions? Contact me for more information!  

     * Lavender NPN# 80061038, Lemon NPN# 8006096, Peppermint NPN# 80061370

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